Monday, October 12, 2009

Tow Surfing Class

This week I took my tow surfing certification class. It's a two day class that is required by the state to operate a thrill craft vehicle and participate in the sport of tow surfing. Our instructors were Sam Pa'e and Ian Masterson. They taught a great class filled with Aloha. They are offering another class in the first week of December to find out more search for Windward Community College and Ocean Safety Education Course. I definetly recomend it even if you don't plan on tow-surfing, it's educational and it helps to know the laws. For one thing, tow-surfers are required to stay 1000 feet away from anyone participating in any other ocean activity. More action on the north shore this week and the out of season south swell is looking promising. Here are a couple pics of the same wave from different angels. Thanks Bob and Marv.

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