We were all ready to go to Peahi this morning and we had a little accident. The trailer snapped right in half! Guess it wasn't meant to be. Anyone have a trailer for sale. Outer reefs should be fun today though.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
We were all ready to go to Peahi this morning and we had a little accident. The trailer snapped right in half! Guess it wasn't meant to be. Anyone have a trailer for sale. Outer reefs should be fun today though.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Sun is shining weather is sweet

New International windsurfing magazine is out Windsurfer International Mag. Can’t wait to read it, but I’m heading to the beach now, looks like another epic day. Last week we had a monster swell, it looks like epic windsurfing as far out as the forecasts go. Logged about five hours at uppers on Wednesday in between classes. Head to logo high sets with rain squalls passing down the coast. After each one passed the wind turned more offshore and got lighter cleaning up the waves. Glassy beautiful waves all day with just a few of my friends. Too top it all off there were at least one rainbow up all day. I even saw three at one point. I wish I had a camera out there yesterday. I fell right in the line up and Riley Coon dropped into mast high barreling beast. He laid down a smooth bottom turn and behind him a rainbow was lighting up the sky. Absolutely amazing. I think sometimes we really don’t see the beauty in the world around us. We’re so focused on our individual missions that we often don’t see the world around us. Look at the stars, watch the waves, take the time to just sit and watch the trees sway in the wind you’ll learn a lot more then sitting in front of a t.v. or computer screen. Get out there it’s firing...